Triple Glazing

Double Glazing

As with double glazing, there are many options for triple glazed units depending on performance requirements.

High performance triple glazing requires 2 panes of low e glass, made up as: 4mm clear/4mm low e/ 4mm low e. It is recommended by the glass manufacturers that this middle low e pane is toughened to prevent thermal stress cracking.

Triple glazing does not always offer superior performance to double glazing. The combination of different glass types and cavity sizes will determine the performance of the triple glazed unit. Some triple glazing types may actually be worse or no better than a double glazing option. The overall thickness of the glazing unit and the glass types are important when assessing triple glazing.

Variations include:

  • Glass thickness
  • Performance coatings
  • Safety glass
  • Spacer bar type
  • Patterned glass
  • Gas fill types


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7.30 - 12.00
